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Monday, April 11, 2011

Speak Fisrt

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, is a meaningful utterance.

  1. Recognizing the power of Allah (god the entire universe).
  2. Willing to all provisions Allah
  3. Optimistic because the love Allah is very broad

Recognizing the power of Allah, by saying bismillahirrohmanirrohim means we acknowledge that Allah our god.
We're just a creature, and very much hope will be an outpouring of affection from him in every activity we do.

Willing to all provisions Allah, every creature has determined will, fortune, marriage, death. But we also do not know what has been ordained by Allah, we simply must try to either succeed or fail it is the right Allah

Optimistic, when we're trying, we are wrong if direct leaned that everything we do whether success or failure has been ordained by Allah without going to do the maximum. This means we are not willing to despair and what has been determined, is Allah forbid that. We must make extraordinary efforts of all our new lean on Allah. So we will not be too disappointed if it failed and will not be complacent if successful

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