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Monday, April 11, 2011


Religion is a regulator for human beings to live they do not have chaos. But when the religious rules change according to the needs of this person can no longer be called a religion. Because religion is derived from God that only God is able to revise all rules of religion.
At this time we encountered a lot of religion to suit particular interests whether it be individuals, organizations and even countries.

In this post I will not discuss about other religions, but just going a little talk about Islam.

Islam is a religion of the Oneness of God, which distinguishes the god with the properties of creatures, which have the nature of beneficient (giving to all living creatures) and have the nature of merciful (love to the creatures who would obey all the rules). Who created all things according to content / provision respectively.

Islam arrived in the alienation and alien will appear at theend time . That quote the words of the Prophet Muhammad, and on the present alienation began to appear. People who obey the rules of religion would be considered strange by most people, and would be ostracized in the association. Fortunately for those who are considered foreigners.

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